Ссылка на интерактивный онлайн плакат "EnglishOK_8" https://view.genial.ly/61fcbcfd4fe5f200117e63a7/presentation-englishok8 |
Ссылка на интерактивный плакат "EnglishOK_8" (AutoPlay Media Studio) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v5aZp0SZrmV9UxSRlzcHTZzmOTG7OTrr?usp=sharing |
Английский язык 8 класс, часть 1, Н.В. Демченко и [др.], 2020 |
Английский язык 8 класс, часть 2, Н.В. Демченко и [др.], 2020 |
Звуковые файлы и тексты, правила к учебному пособию 2020 |
Unit 1.
Lesson 1. General information |
Unit 1.
Lesson 2. General information |
Unit 1. Lesson 3. About the
UK |
Unit 1.
Lesson 4. Belarus |
Unit 1.
Lesson 5. About Belarus |
Unit 1. Lesson 6. Geography of the UK |
Unit 1. Lesson 7. Geography
of the UK |
Unit 1. Lesson 8. Geography
of the UK |
Unit 1. Lesson 9. Geography
of the UK |
Unit 1. Lesson 10. Geography
of the UK |
https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5b97bb738a966200195fca95/geography-of-the-uk |
Unit 1. Lesson 11. Geography
of Belarus (articles) |
Unit 1. Lesson 12. Geography
of Belarus |
Unit 1. Lesson 13. A
beautiful variety |
Unit 1.
Lesson 14. Word
formation |
Unit 1.
Lesson 14. British landscape |
Unit 1.
Lesson 15. British landscape |
Unit 2. Lesson 1. 1st school day |
Unit 2. Lesson 2. 1st school day (active or
stative verbs) |
Unit 2. Lesson 3. 1st school day |
Unit 2. Lesson 4. 1st school day |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. 1st school day |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Welcome to school |
Unit 2. Lesson 7. Welcome to gymnasium |
Unit 2. Lesson 8. Welcome to gymnasium |
Unit 2. Lesson 9. Our gymnasium |
Unit 2. Lesson 10. School traditions |
Unit 2. Lesson 11. Wordbuilding |
Unit 2. Lesson 12. Wordbuilding |
Unit 2. Lesson 13. School traditions
(prepositions) |
Unit 2. Lesson 14. Skype lesson |
Unit 2. Lesson 15. Campus |
Unit 2. Lesson 16. Campus |
Unit 2. Lesson 17. Campus |
Unit 2. Lesson 18. Mustn’t or needn’t |
Unit 2. Lesson 19. Need or need to |
Unit 2. Lesson 20. Need needn’t |
Unit 2. Lesson 21. Need or need to |
Unit 2. Lesson 22. School clubs |
Unit 2. Lesson 23. Infinitive with or without
to |
Unit 2. Lesson 24. Infinitive or Gerund |
Unit 2. Lesson 25. Infinitive or Gerund |
Unit 2. Lesson 26. Phrasal verbs |
Unit 2. Lesson 27. Teacher’s Day (tenses) |
Test yourself |
Unit 2. Lesson 1. British cuisine (food) |
Unit 2. Lesson 2. British cuisine |
Unit 2. Lesson 3. Names of dishes |
Unit 2. Lesson 4. Names of dishes |
Unit 2. Lesson 5. What do people eat in
Britain? (questions) |
https://learningapps.org/display?v=pgn6qs1nt21 |
Unit 2. Lesson 6. Belarusian menu |
Unit 2. Lesson 7. Belarusian menu (potatoes) |
Unit 2. Lesson 8. Belarusian menu (dish from
pork) |
Unit 2. Lesson 9. Belarusian menu |
Unit 2. Lesson 10. Belarusian menu (after
listening) |
Unit 2. Lesson 11. Fast food |
Unit 2. Lesson 12. Fast food (prepositions) |
Unit 2. Lesson 13. Quantifires |
Unit 2. Lesson 14. Quantifires |
Unit 2. Lesson 15. Fish and chips (after reading) |
Unit 2. Lesson 16. We cook ourselves |
Unit 2. Lesson 17. Reflexive and Emphatic
pronouns |
Unit 2. Lesson 18. Reflexive pronouns |
Unit 2. Lesson 19. Reflexive pronouns |
Unit 2. Lesson 20. Articles with meals |
Unit 2. Lesson 21. Kitchen verbs |
Unit 2. Lesson 22. Apple pie |
Unit 2. Lesson 23. Apple pie |
Unit 2. Lesson 24. Apple pie |
Unit 2. Lesson 25. Food from all
over the world |
Unit 2. Lesson 26. Pudding (recipe) |
Unit 2. Lesson 27. A piece of cake (idioms) |
Unit 2. Lesson 28. A piece of cake (idioms) |
Unit 2. Lesson 29. A piece of cake (idioms) |
Unit 2. Lesson 30. Worldbuilding |
Unit 2. Lesson 31. Worldbuilding |
Unit 2. Lesson 29. A piece of cake (articles) |
Test Yourself |
Unit 3. Lesson 1. The history of money |
Unit 3. Lesson 2. The history of money |
Unit 3. Lesson 3. The history of money |
Unit 3. Lesson 4. The history of money (prereading) |
Unit 3. Lesson 5. The history of money |
Unit 3. Lesson 6. Can money buy happiness? |
Unit 3. Lesson 7. Can money buy happiness? (wordbuilding) |
Unit 3. Lesson 8. Pocket
money |
Unit 3. Lesson 9. Pocket money (questions) |
Unit 3. Lesson 10. Pocket money |
Unit 3. Lesson 11. Cut down on expenses |
Unit 3. Lesson 12. Cut down on expenses |
Unit 3. Lesson 13. Cut down on expenses |
Unit 3. Lesson 14. Money talks |
Unit 3. Lesson 15. Finished or unfinished? |
Unit 3. Lesson 16. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous |
Unit 3. Lesson 17. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous |
Unit 3. Lesson 18. Lotteries |
Unit 3. Lesson 19. From rags to riches |
Unit 3. Lesson 20.
Wordbuilding |
Unit 3. Lesson 21.
THE+adjectives |
Unit 3. Lesson 22. A letter to Agony Aunt |
Test Yourself |
Unit 4. Lesson 1. Time to celebrate! |
Unit 4. Lesson 2. Time to celebrate! |
Unit 4. Lesson 3. Time to celebrate! (Simple Passive) |
Unit 4. Lesson 4. Time to celebrate! (with or by) |
Unit 4. Lesson 5. National Flag Day (articles) |
Unit 4. Lesson 6. Christmas (tenses) |
Unit 4. Lesson 7. National Day Calendar |
Unit 4. Lesson 8. National Day Calendar |
Unit 4. Lesson 9. National Day Calendar |
Unit 4. Lesson 10. Victory Day |
Unit 4. Lesson 11. Victory Day |
Unit 4. Lesson 12. Victory Day |
Unit 4. Lesson 13. Independence Day (Past
Simple Passive) |
Unit 4. Lesson 14. Holidays in the UK |
Unit 4. Lesson 15. Bonfire Night (questions) |
Unit 4. Lesson 16. Bonfire Night (prepositions) |
Unit 4. Lesson 17. Remembrance Day (Simple
Passive) |
Unit 4. Lesson 18. Remembrance Day |
Unit 4. Lesson 19. The Queen (Tenses) |
Unit 4. Lesson 20. American holidays |
Unit 4. Lesson 21. Word-building |
Unit 4. Lesson 22. American holidays |
Unit 4. Lesson 23. Conditional 0/1 |
https://learningapps.org/watch?v=ppni2sru322 |
Unit 4. Lesson 24. Conditional 0/1 |
https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pf6jmzk6a22 |
Unit 4. Lesson 25. American holidays (tenses) |
https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pkpcibt7c22 |
Unit 4. Lesson 26. Prepositions of time |
Test Yourself |
https://onlinetestpad.com/7yhlkqodnxzni |
Unit 5. British customs and traditions
Unit 5. Lesson 1. Days of Christmas |
Unit 5. Lesson 2. Christmas time |
Unit 5. Lesson 3. Christmas time (questions) |
Unit 5. Lesson 4. Christmas time |
Unit 5. Lesson 5. Past Perfect (verbs) |
Unit 5. Lesson 6. Past Perfect |
Unit 5. Lesson 7. April Fool's Day |
Unit 5. Lesson 8. April Fool's Day |
Unit 5. Lesson 9. Past Perfect or Past Simple |
Unit 5. Lesson 10. Past Perfect or Past Simple |
Unit 5. Lesson 11. Past Perfect or Past Simple |
Unit 5. Lesson 12. Birthday customs |
Unit 5. Lesson 13. Birthday customs |
Unit 5. Lesson 14. Old Tower |
Unit 5. Lesson 15. Old Tower (Tenses) |
Unit 5. Lesson 16. Old Tower (Tenses) |
Unit 5. Lesson 17. Old Tower (Tenses) |
Unit 5. Lesson 18. Royal customs and
traditions |
Unit 5. Lesson 19. The Maundy money
(questions) |
Unit 5. Lesson 20. Unusual customs and
traditions |
Unit 5. Lesson 21. Unusual customs and
traditions |
Unit 5. Lesson 22. Articles |
Unit 5. Lesson 23. Superstitions |
Unit 5. Lesson 24. Superstitions |
Unit 5. Lesson 25. On the British roads |
Unit 5. Lesson 26. On the British roads |
Unit 5. Lesson 27. On the British roads |
Test Yourself |
Unit 6. Traditional Belarus
Unit 6. Lesson 1. Traditional Belarusian
crafts |
Unit 6. Lesson 2. Traditional Belarusian
crafts |
Unit 6. Lesson 3. Traditional Belarusian
crafts |
Unit 6. Lesson 4. Traditional Belarusian
crafts |
Unit 6. Lesson 5. Belarusian souvenir |
Unit 6. Lesson 6. A fair "Charming
Mill" |
Unit 6. Lesson 7. A fair "Charming
Mill" |
Unit 6. Lesson 8. Souvenirs (object clauses) |
Unit 6. Lesson 9. Future-in-the past |
Unit 6. Lesson 10. Future-in-the past |
Unit 6. Lesson 11. Hramnitsy |
Unit 6. Lesson 12. Sequence of Tenses |
Unit 6. Lesson 13. Sequence of Tenses |
Unit 6. Lesson 14. Unexpected visitor |
Unit 6. Lesson 15. Festive time |
Unit 6. Lesson 16. Festive time |
Unit 6. Lesson 17. Festive time (prepositions) |
Unit 6. Lesson 18. A 1000th anniversary |
Unit 6. Lesson 19. A 1000th anniversary |
Unit 6. Lesson 20.
Back to the Middle Ages |
Unit 6. Lesson 21.
Back to the Middle Ages (sequence
of tenses) |
Unit 6. Lesson 22.
Back to the Middle Ages (questions) |
Unit 6. Lesson 22.
Back to the Middle Ages |
Unit 6.
Lesson 23. Dranik Fest |
Unit 6.
Lesson 24. Dranik Fest |
Unit 6. Lesson 25. New Festival (prepositions) |
Unit 6. Lesson 26. Kupalle |
Unit 6. Lesson 27.
Kupalle (sequence of tenses) |
Unit 6. Lesson 28. Kupalle (articles) |
Test Yourself |
Unit 7. Lesson 1. Styles of music (adjectives) |
Unit 7. Lesson 2. Degrees of adjectives |
Unit 7. Lesson 3. Degrees of adjectives |
Unit 7. Lesson 4. Catchy tunes |
Unit 7. Lesson 5. Catchy tunes |
Unit 7. Lesson 6. Catchy tunes |
Unit 7. Lesson 7. Catchy tunes |
Unit 7. Lesson 8. Musical instruments |
Unit 7. Lesson 9. Musical instruments |
Unit 7.
Lesson 10. Musical
Instruments |
Unit 7.
Lesson 11. Musical
Instruments |
Unit 7. Lesson 12. Musical instruments and articles |
Unit 7. Lesson 13. Articles |
Unit 7. Lesson 14. Order of adjectives |
Unit 7.
Lesson 15. Music
jobs |
Unit 7.
Lesson 16. Word-building |
Unit 7.
Lesson 17. Belarusian
musicians |
Unit 7.
Lesson 18. Belarusian
musicians |
Unit 7. Lesson 19. Music events in Belarus |
Unit 7. Lesson 20. Music events in Belarus |
Unit 7. Lesson 21. So or Neither |
Unit 7. Lesson 22. Slavyansky Bazaar (wordbuilding) |
Unit 7. Lesson 23. Music streaming services |
Unit 7. Lesson 24. Music streaming services |
Unit 7. Lesson 25. Music streaming services |
Unit 7. Lesson 26. Rise to fame |
Unit 7. Lesson 27. The secret of success |
Unit 7. Lesson 28. Belarusian band |
Unit 7. Lesson 29. Belarusian band |
Unit 7. Lesson 30. Belarusian band |
Test Yourself |
Unit 8. Lesson 1. Books through the ages |
Unit 8. Lesson 2. Books through the ages |
Unit 8. Lesson 3. Books through the ages |
Unit 8. Lesson 4. Word-building |
Unit 8. Lesson 5. Word-building |
Unit 8. Lesson 6. From cover to cover (genres
of books) |
Unit 8. Lesson 7. From cover to cover |
Unit 8. Lesson 8. From cover to cover |
Unit 8. Lesson 9. From cover to cover |
Unit 8. Lesson 10. Participles I/II |
Unit 8. Lesson 11. Participles I/II |
Unit 8. Lesson 12. A kind of reader |
Unit 8. Lesson 13. It’s a great read |
Unit 8. Lesson 14. It’s a great read |
Unit 8. Lesson 15. It’s a great read
(ex.3) |
Unit 8. Lesson 16. It’s a great read
(ex.6) |
Unit 8. Lesson 17. My favourite book character |
Unit 8. Lesson 18. My favourite book character
(questions) |
Unit 8. Lesson 19. My favourite book |
Unit 8. Lesson 20. My favourite book |
Unit 8. Lesson 21. Charles Dickens |
Unit 8. Lesson 22. Charles Dickens |
Unit 8. Lesson 23. Relative pronouns |
Unit 8. Lesson 24. Relative pronouns |
Unit 8. Lesson 25. Belarusian literature (relative pronouns) |
Test Yourself |
Unit 9. Films
Unit 9. Lesson 1. Dream factory |
Unit 9. Lesson 2. Dream factory |
Unit 9. Lesson 3. Dream factory |
Unit 9.
Lesson 4. About
cinema |
Unit 9. Lesson 5. History of cinema |
Unit 9. Lesson 6. History of cinema |
Unit 9. Lesson 7. A source of entertainment |
Unit 9. Lesson 8. A source of entertainment |
Unit 9. Lesson 9. A source of entertainment |
Unit 9. Lesson 10. Tears or fears |
Unit 9. Lesson 11. Tears or fears |
Unit 9. Lesson 12. Tears or fears |
Unit 9. Lesson 13. Going to the cinema |
Unit 9. Lesson 14. Films and awards |
Unit 9. Lesson 15. Minsk Film Festival |
Unit 9. Lesson 16. Minsk Film Festival |
Unit 9. Lesson 17. A film star |
Unit 9. Lesson 18. A film star |
Unit 9. Lesson 19. A film star (interview) |
Unit 9. Lesson 20. A film star |
Unit 9. Lesson 21. One-of-a-kind |
Unit 9. Lesson 22. Past Tenses |
Test Yourself |
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